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The therapeutic use of essential oils of aromatic plants has been used for thousands of years. It is believed that essential oils contains the most concentrated aspect of the plant.   Essential oils posses many healing properties used  for the maintenance and restoration of wellbeing. They are usually applied to the skin to induce body-mind-spirit healing. 


Aromatherapy and TCM


Cambiarlo todo con mis palabras


Essential oils affect your body physiologically -  creating change in the mind, emotions, and hormones via the limbic system in the brain as well as making their way into the bloodstream and affecting the different systems in the body such as the respiratory system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, and so on. However this life force (Qi) that runs through the meridians in the body is also influenced by essential oils. 


Yin & Yang

Each essential oil can be classified as predominantly either yin or yang or can be neutral. For example most floral essential oils are yin such as roman chamomile, everlasting, lavender, rose, geranium, ylang ylang and so on. The spicy essential oils are yang, such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger. Citrus essentials are usually yin, such as bergamot, grapefruit and lemon, whereas orange oil is neutral - neither yin or yang and orange oil is known to relax the nervous system and promote feel good emotions. Many of the herbaceous essential oils such as bay laurel, marjoram, rosemary, and thyme are yang. Whereas cypress is yin and clary sage is neutral. The woody notes could be yin or yang for example sandalwood is yin and atlas cedarwood is yang. Frankincense is yin and myrrh is yang. Peppermint and spearmint are yin with their very cooling properties. 



The Five Elements

In TCM there are five elements and each element rules certain organs, seasons, qualities and so forth. Each element is also a particular phase of yin or yang and there is a creation cycle and a control cycle. I won't go into great detail here, however each essential oil has a ruling element too which also helps in determining which oil to use for a particular issue.  

Aromatic Oil

“For what better way to influence the mind and Spirit than through a physical medium that captures with such evocative power the very essence of Nature? Essential oils, too, are “vital substances” - the natural alchemical synergy of plant and sun.”

— Mojay (1997)

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