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Fertility Coaching

As part of my fertility treatments I offer health and life style coaching too.


As a couch, I provide education and self care tools to my patients who wish to conceive either naturally or through IUI/ IVF.


Using Chinese medicine diagnostic techniques I help them to find the root causes of their condition and develop a plan to correct them through life style advice, Chinese medicine nutritional advice and relaxation techniques to name some. 

I then formulate an individual fertility treatment strategy, that involves specific Chinese medicine therapies adequate for their unique presentation and adjusted at each stage of the female cycle or IVF process. 

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My approach is different to the approach of western medicine. Rather than treating individual symptoms, I utilise Chinese medicine tools to balance blockages in body functions and energy channels to restore optimal health to the entire body. This in turn, will then improve fertility and overall women’s health. 


The treatments I offer are also intended to balance emotions and reduce the stress levels heightened by everyday life and the anxieties that trying to get pregnant can cause.


With your treatment, what matters the most to me is getting the best results for you in the shortest space of time.



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