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Acupuncture in Pregnancy




Acupuncture is a very effective treatment which can be used as an alternative to medication during pregnancy.


The use of acupuncture can assist with many health complaints during pregnancy. It can be used to: 


  • Alleviate hay fever symptoms 

  • Provide alternative treatment for colds and flu 

  • Assist with morning sickness and excessive vomiting 

  • Help with digestion issues 

  • Help with sleep issues

  • Alleviate headaches 

  • Treat musculoskeletal pain

  • Prepare the uterus for labour

  • Induce labour naturally 



Acupuncture and Breech Presentation


For breech babies, I am able to combine the use of acupuncture with moxibustion treatments. This enables me to provide a successful and natural method of turning a baby from week 33 of pregnancy onwards. 


My usage of Chinese medicine treatments during pregnancy can eliminate the need for medical intervention when a baby is in a breech position.

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